Your Child Can Learn to Sail!

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Explore The Croton Sailing Club!

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Register Croton Sailing Club

Croton Sailing Club

The Croton Sailing Club was developed to provide sailors with the benefits of easy sailing on a variety of yachts without the burden of boat ownership. Like many sailors you may be wishing for more sailing opportunities and freedom in your sailing time. If you have been wanting more flexibility in your sailing, the Croton Sailing School had you in mind when we created the Croton Sailing Club! Membership in the Croton Sailing Club will offer you numerous benefits over boat ownership or renting a boat on a daily basis. Some of these benefits are:


  • How many slip-bound boat owners do you know that never seem to find time to actually sail their boat? With club membership you never need to worry about cleaning your boat, storing it for the season, paying for moorings or slips, repairing the inevitable rigging and sail damage, bottom painting – the list goes on and on. As a club member the time you spend aboard is time spent sailing!


  • Want to go out for a quick daysail? Not if you have a large cruising yacht! Want to take a long sail up the river? It would be cramped in that nice daysailor! With club membership you can take out the yacht that meets your needs for the day.


  • When you add up the cost of the boat, seasonal maintenance, winter storage and slip fees, you will find that your Croton Sailing Club membership will slash your sailing costs, leaving you enough over to still enjoy that great winter Caribbean cruise!


  • Through club social events you will get the chance to meet other avid sailors, share fabulous sailing, sailing tips and stories about great sailing destinations!

Croton Sailing Club Membership Categories & Benefits

Sailor Membership

  • Sailor Members have access to sailing with other club members. Club member boats will be scheduled on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Sailor members may sail on a weekday if two or more members reserve together. Sailor Members may bring a guest with a $35 guest fee. Valid for one year from date of membership. Season runs mid May through early October . Sailor Membership Rate: $675

Skipper Membership

  • Provides a full season of sailing of the 24’ Rainbow fleet. Skipper Members may bring guests and family members on any reserved boats at no additional charge. Skipper Members also enjoy access to group Club Sails. Annual fee covers all boat fees. There are no additional costs. The annual fee is valid for one year from date of membership. Season runs mid May trough early October. Skipper Membership Rate $1250

Charter Membership

  • Provides a full season of sailing of the 24’ Rainbow and 26′ Pearson fleet. Charter Members may bring guests and family members on any reserved boats at no additional charge. Charter Members also enjoy access to group Club Sails. Annual fee covers all boat fees. There are no additional costs.The annual fee is valid for one year from date of membership. Season runs mid May through early October. Charter Membership Rate $1650

Croton Sailing Terms & Conditions

Providing you with the best Sailing Expericing on the Hudson River

Questions? Call (914) 271-6868 today!

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